Eric Luther Knives Luther Warnaught, Patriotic box set Pen Bottle Opener Beads
Luther Knives: Luther Warnaught, Patriotic box set. Custom wood, Luther knives storage case. Happy brass bottle opener. Patriotic RWB Custom carbon fiber ring (size 11-12ish). Stars n stripes battle worn patriotic Ti2 designs patriotic ball point pen. This pen writes incredibly well in any condition. With a tactical magnetic cap, titanium shaft & hardware it has offensive/defensive capabilities as well. Definitely badass enough to be a part of this box set. Eric Luther custom RWB theme matched bead on custom lanyard for knife. Eric Luther custom copper bead with blackwash on custom keychain. This, to my knowledge, is the only knife made with this exact theme & colorway. I have never seen another although I know he has made other variations of the Patriot theme. See my other posts for another Luther Orphan that to my knowledge, is also a 1 off custom colorway. YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!